The Edge

Jewelry Care Program


Now you can offer your customers peace of mind and convenience and make clear profit all at the same time. Right from point of sale, you can offer a number of care plans for jewelry and watches that will cover sizing, maintenance, and repairs for a reasonable price. To sign up, contact

Customer Record Improvements

We've completely redesigned the behind-the-scenes handling of customer data and you'll see the benefits throughout The Edge wherever customer records are used. You'll be better able to track transactions, breakdown buying histories, and separate linked accounts. You'll also see a change in the handling of customer contact methods throughout The Edge. Look for clearer indications of preferences and an updated user interface.


Appraisal Templates and Improvements

The Edge now offers five appraisal templates that you can use and edit using any RTF editor such as Microsoft® Word. For diamonds, the templates can include visual scales to help your customers understand what the different grades mean. These templates can be saved to PDF for electronic distribution. Enhancement fields in stone records will improve your appraisals even more.

Image Editor

Now you can edit customer and item images and photos right within The Edge! Using the photo controls, select Edit Image to open a paint-like editor that will allow you to change sizes, crop, and adjust color and brightness. Use the editor to add text/notes and markups to images that will help highlight issues, especially at intake.

Report Cover Sheets

With optional report cover sheets and criteria page, your reports will not only look better, but will have a clearer breakdown of the parameters selected and the sorting and grouping options. They will be easier to understand and provide better reference.

Report Changes

New and Improved Open to Buy

The Open to Buy Report has always been there to help you make the best of your investment capital. Now it has more clarity and links specific item data.


Stones Tab Enhanchements

For better stone identification and background, on the Item record Stones Tab, we've added an Inscription field to the Quality section and an Enhancements section with two new fields:  Identification and Enhancement.


Screen resolution of 1280x720

System Requirements

.Net 4.6


Crystal Reports 13.0.16


QuickBooks Foundation Classes v. 13


System Options Changes

Activity Tab Joint Account Default Display

Allows you to choose a default option for customer spouse/partner record selection. Options are Couple, Primary Only, and Spouse/Partner Only.

Appraisal Template Default File

The location of the appraisal template file.

Appraisal Template Folder Location

The location of the appraisal template file.

Can Discount Care Plans

Whether care plan fees can be discounted at POS.

Care Plan Max Return Period

The number of days that can pass before a care plan can no longer be returned. Check with your care plan provider for this information.

Care Plan POS Reminder

Text to appear in a reminder to your associates to ask the customer about a care plan.

Customer Duplicate Check

What action to take with regard to check for duplicate customers before adding a new one.

Fast Customer Find Preferred Contacts Only

When searching using the fast customer find at POS, whether to search for matching values to only the primary contact.

Fast Customer Find Starting Field

When searching using the fast customer find at POS, what should be the default starting field, i.e., cursor placement.

Podium Contact Method

Contains options for sending texts and emails via Podium.

Podium Retry Period

Allows you to select how many days should pass between requests.

Podium Send Always

If True then Podium will always send a request for any transaction. If False, then Podium will only send requests on appraisal pickup, customer job pickup, layaway pickup, memo pickup, repair pickup, gift cert sale, tender card sale, item sale, special order pickup, and trade in. The default is False.

Report Criteria Cover Page Default Setting

Use this to enable or disable the Report Criteria Cover Page by default.

Require Email

Option to require that an email address be provided with a new customer record.

Require Phone

Option to require that a phone number be provided with a new customer record.

Show Customer Email at POS

Whether to show customer email at point of sale.

Store Charge Account Balance Threshold Percentage

Allows you to credit the last monthly finance charge if a payment on the store charge account balance is at least this percentage of the full balance.

Validate That Phone Numbers Have 10 Digits

Validate that phone numbers have 10 digits in them. This is important if you are using texting/SMS features.

Minor Enhancements



Updates to appointments to include Appointment Types for further clarification.


Tx Client/Tx Server

Tx Client/Tx Server have been updated to run as Windows Service for improved reliability. Additionally if either has an issue or failure, Edge Technical Support will be notified of the problem.


Buying Tools: Replenish Base Stock Column Modifications

Buying Tools: Replenish Base Stock report column modifications.


Buying Tools: Recovered Funds Redeployment Guide Column Modifications

Buying Tools: Recovered Funds Redeployment Guide column modifications.


Podium- Review Request Invites on Pick Ups Only

A System Option has been added to allow Podium Review Request Invites on Pick Up of Services, Jobs, Layaway, and Memo Items


Emails will now show up at POS

A system option has been added to show the email at POS


TPW Feature Request and Changes

A collection of a number of Third-Party Website bugs that include:
BUG-006375 TPW>Change Date Range tab to General tab.
BUG-006373 TPW> Move Always Upload Service Status option to the General tab. 
BUG-006372 TPW>Remove options from Advanced Tab  and eliminate it.
BUG-006371 TPW>Add a checkbox to to exclude ALL images. 
BUG-006370 TPW>Include Pricing Method Description. 
BUG-006369 TPW>Categories and Vendor Exclusions Pick List. 
BUG-006367 TPW>Ability to search for "Never upload" and "Always Upload" in the Item Find filter.


Frequently Used Repair Task SKUs

Made the Frequently Used Repair Task SKUs drop-down wider to display full Geller description



Add a "Store Charge Account Balance Threshold Percentage" system option for House Account payments.

Corrective Changes


Photo Control

Added file type of TIFF to image types when using Use File or Copy File.


Tender Card Wording

Tender Card Report button was not using the System Options> Tender Card Wording option.


Appraisal Value Title

Appraisal Value Title was not using the option wording.



Minimum fee was being charged for customers who had special interest percentage set to 0.


POS Receipts

Changing the name on the receipt of an appraisal was not changing the code on the envelope for the customer.


Item Location Sorting

Item location was not sorting alpha numerically on Item Lists.


Sold Item

Items sold were not being properly represented on In Stock report.


Physical Inventory

When running Physical Inventory operations in MS-Access, no warning was being displayed to shut down other instances of The Edge®.


Special Orders

Unmatching a special orders was causing an extra text notification to send.


Special Orders

Unmatching a special order was not decrementing the matched value for the special order.



Levels were not including Special Orders.


Cardknox Error with PAX

A Cardknox error was being returned on a transaction with PAX.


Item Reports

When running an inventory report to see what was in stock on a certain date, but still only in stock now, it was including different statuses when it should not have.



Faux models were showing zero when there quantities in stock.


Item Add

When allocating bulk items, cost values may be incorrect on the allocation screen when there are quantities on hand of more than 1.



Aging for the first time with new balances only was preventing the process from starting.


Customer Add

When adding customers, there was no System Option to shut off or limit the duplicate customer search.


Physical Inventory Reports

Phys Inventory Reports were not reporting on bulk items from headquarters location before reconciliation.


Print Statements

Statements were not reporting the correct tax amount for Memo Out items when more than one Memo Out item existed on a sale.


Diff(+/-) Column

The "Diff(+/-)" column that was added to physical inventory reports, the values were showing up on all inventory reports.


Sold with Returns Report

Sold with Returns report errors out when done by invoice.


Custom Job Intake

On intake of either a custom job or a repair and adding a part, the Cost field was not hidden by default.


Repair Intake

Searching for bulk items when adding parts at Repair intake was resulting in an error message when there is no retail price value for the bulk item.


Void Sale

Voiding a sale was showing an incorrect associate on the receipt if no associate was logged in.


Podium- Phone Number

On SQL databases, newly added customers at POS, the phone number would be blank in the Podium Invite Request selector


Microsoft LifeCam

MS LifeCam would sometimes fail on Select Photo Device and Acquire.


Sales Tax Report

Selling an item to a tax exempt customer, or to a customer with a Ship To address, and then returning that item, was causing the return to not show up on the report.



Statements were including the amounts of canceled jobs as part of balances due.



Checking the Preprinted form box on statements was not working.



Printing an open statement period at stores other than the HQ store was not allowed.


Sales Tax Report

Ship-To Taxes were not showing for Layaways on the Sales Tax report.


Sales Tax Report

Picked-up services could display incorrectly on the Sales Tax Report.


PO Receive Item

When receiving an item from a PO that had stones added from Item Details the stones would not save to the item.


Print Statements

Print Statements were resulting in an error message in SQL Server when attempting to add a Sort Order on the Customer Find screen.


Inventory Performance Reports

Inventory Performance By reports were displaying ####### for large numbers.


Overview Report by Period

Overview Report by Period: Return values for custom jobs were being added to the total instead of being subtracted.



Rewards - Wording Change - the words FUTURE and DISCOUNTS on earnings needed to be removed.


Rapid Reorder Form

Criteria was being ignored in certain situations when running the Rapid Reorder Form.


On Account Report

When a balance existed at the beginning of the reporting period, the payment type text was displayed as "NEW" instead of "BAL FWD."

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The Edge is a Trademark of Abbott Jewelry Systems, Inc.