Running EDT
The first time EDT is run it should be done manually and all data should be included. Thereafter, it should be setup to run as a scheduled task and each time it runs it will only include data that has changed since the last run. Prior to running, see Exporting for information on choosing what data is included.
Note: Though designed to send everything initially and then only changes going forward, it is possible to always send all data every time. See the note under the Scheduling section.

- Navigate to your Desktop and open the EdgeDataTransferClient interactive mode shortcut.
- On the General tab, check Upload Everything this one time.
- If also including customers, click on the Customer tab and check the Upload All Customers option.
- Click Upload Now & Close to complete. Depending on the database size and number of items and/or customers, this may take some time to complete.
- Once complete the files will appear in the Inbox on the local folder and/or FTP site.

- Create a Windows Scheduled Task to run the file EdgeDataTransferClient.exe located in the Edge install directory (default path C:\Program Files (x86)\ajsllc\edge).
- Make sure the task references the EdgeDataTransferClient.exe file directly and NOT the Desktop shortcut created during installation for interactive mode.
- Set the desired interval (e.g. every hour, once a day, etc).
- On the task's General tab, you must check Run with Highest privileges at the bottom.
- Optionally, you may decide to choose the Run whether user is logged on or not option to ensure the task always runs.
- Activate the task.
Note: To always upload everything add the switch -d 12/31/1969 after EdgeDataTransferClient.exe, i.e. "C:\Program Files(x86)\ajsllc\Edge\EdgeDataTransferClient.exe" -d 12/31/1969

To create a shortcut that will allow you to manually synchronize EDT at any time:
- Navigate to the Edge install folder (default path C:\Program Files(x86)\ajsllc\Edge).
- Locate the file EdgeDataTransferClient.exe, right click on it, and choose Send to > Desktop (Create Shortcut).
- Locate the new shortcut on your Desktop and rename it to something intuitive, i.e. "EDT Run Now"
Note: EDT can be run manually as often as you like. It will not interfere with the scheduled task.

Each time EDT runs:
- Application imports any data waiting in Download folder into The Edge
- Application exports data from The Edge and prepares it for upload (Content folder)
- Service packages content and uploads it to Inbox
- Service checks Outbox and downloads any data awaiting import (Download folder)
Tip: The EDT Service automatically checks the Outbox and downloads any waiting files every 10 minutes.