Inventory Data
Inventory data is exported to a JSON file named FullItemList.json and contains the Inventory object along with its paired Stones, Vendors, and Item Details objects.
CategoryCategoryType |
The type of Edge category this item is in. |
CategoryGenDesc |
The generic description for items in this category. |
CategoryId |
The Edge category number this item is in. |
CategoryName |
The name of the Edge category this item is in. |
CategoryXfer |
ItemAdmin |
No longer used (legacy) |
ItemAlwaysUpload |
ItemApprLong |
The full description from the item's pre-appraisal tab. |
ItemApprShort |
The short description from the item's pre-appraisal tab. |
ItemApprValue |
The appraised value entered on the item's pre-appraisal tab. |
ItemApprWho |
The associate number for the person that entered pre-appraisal. |
ItemBonusPct |
The spiff assigned to this item. |
ItemCatId |
The Edge category number this item is in. |
ItemCost |
The cost of the item. |
ItemCostReplacement |
The replacement cost of this item. |
ItemCostReplacementDate |
The date itCostReplacement was calculated. |
ItemCreatedBy |
The associate that entered this item. |
ItemCurrentPrice |
The current selling price for this item. This may differ from itRetailPrice if the item has been marked down. |
ItemDateCreated |
The date & time this item record was created (system defined). |
ItemDateEntered |
The date & time this item was entered into inventory (user specified). |
ItemDateStatusChanged |
The date & time this item became current status. |
ItemDesc |
The item's description. If an item's description is longer than 255 characters the overflow goes into itDescMemo. There is an optional secondary web-only description found in imDescription. |
ItemDescMemo |
The first 255 characters of an item's description are stored in itDesc. If the description exceeds this the additional characters are stored here. |
ItemDetail_1 to ItemDetail_16 |
Custom detail fields defined by the user. See Item Details for mapping information. |
ItemETA |
For assembly or build items, the original estimated completion date. |
ItemETARevised |
For assembly or build items, the revised estimated completion date. |
ItemExcludeFromRewards |
ItemImage |
The image file linked to this item. If there are multiple images each file name delineated by a vertical bar. |
ItemInstanceOf |
References itKey for bulk master record for this sold bulk instance. |
ItemInstanceQty |
Quantity sold on this bulk instance. For itPricingMethod="1" this is always "1" For itPricingMethod="2" this is always "0" For itPricingMethod="3" this is always "1" For itPricingMethod="4" this is always "1" |
ItemInstanceUnits |
Amount of unit of measure sold on this bulk instance. For itPricingMethod="1" this is always "0" For itPricingMethod="2" or "3" this is the amount of measure sold. For itPricingMethod="4" this is always "1" |
ItemInventoryType |
The type of item.
ItemKey |
The full item number in format [itStoreId] - [CatId] - [itStockNo] e.g. 001-100-00001. |
ItemLeadTime |
Number of days lead time for built or assembled items. |
ItemLength |
The length of this item (typically chain). |
ItemLocation |
The location of the item. This is a key that is defined in the Location table. |
ItemLowestPrice |
The lowest price this item can be sold for without requiring system override. |
ItemMemoExpires |
For itInventoryType="M", the date the memo item expires. |
ItemMetaCategory |
The web category for this item. |
ItemMetaDescription |
The web description for this item. |
ItemMetaItkey |
The full item number in format [itStoreId] - [CatId] - [itStockNo] e.g. 001-100-00001. |
ItemMetalColor |
The metal color of this item. |
ItemMetalFinish |
The metal finish of this item. |
ItemMetalType |
The metal type of this item. |
ItemMetalWeight |
The weight of this item's metal. |
ItemMetaMetaDescription |
The meta description for this item. |
ItemMetaMetaKeywords |
Meta keywords for this item. |
ItemMetaMetaTitle |
The meta title for this item. |
ItemMetaTitle |
The web title for this item. |
ItemMetaUpdateDateTime |
The date/time category record was last modified. |
ItemMetaUpdateSeq |
This number is incremented by one each time the item's website tab is updated. |
ItemMetaUpdateStation |
The workstation number that last updated this item's website tab. |
ItemMetaUpdateStore |
The store number that last updated this item's website tab. |
ItemMetaUpdateUser |
The associate number that last updated this item's website tab. |
ItemMetaVoid |
The date the item's meta data was deleted. |
ItemMetaXfer |
ItemMfg |
The manufacturer of this item. |
ItemNeverUpload |
ItemNewitKey |
For items moved between categories and/or stores, this references the new item record's itKey. |
ItemNotes |
Notes on the item stored in RTF format. |
ItemNowPartOf |
For itInventoryType="P" (takeoff), the itKey of the item this was assembled or built into. |
ItemNowPartOfJobType |
The type of job this item was used as a part on.
ItemOldBarcode |
For items converted from another software system, this is the barcode number in the previous software. |
ItemOldKey |
For items converted from another software system, this is the item number in the previous software. |
ItemOldSaleKey |
For sold items converted from another software system, this is the sale number in the previous software. |
ItemOrderNotes |
The style notes for this item. |
ItemOrigSaleDate |
For sold items converted from another software system, this is the date the item was sold. |
ItemOrigSaleKey |
For sold items converted from another software system, this is the sale number in the previous software. |
ItemOwner |
For consignment items, the customer number of the owner. |
ItemPayableDate |
The date/time this consignment or memo item became payable, i.e. was sold. |
ItemPoLineKey |
References purchase order line in the POLine table that this item was ordered or added on. |
ItemPricingMethod |
The software features 5 pricing methods. The majority of items are 0 (fine jewelry, individual item pricing) which assigns each item a unique item number (ItemKey) even if that style of item has been in inventory before. Each item number represents one physical item. For smaller items carried in quantity, such as Pandora, we offer bulk pricing methods that allow a single number to be assigned quantity and re-used indefinitely.
ItemPrintSignage |
The in-case sign template is specified in itSignage.
ItemPrintTag |
ItemRetailPrice |
The retail price of the item. This may differ from itCurrentPrice if the item has been marked down. |
ItemRewardsBonus |
Bonus rewards factor for purchasing this item. |
ItemRewardsBonusEndDate |
End date for this item's purchase to earn bonus rewards. |
ItemRewardsBonusStartDate |
Start date for this item's purchase to earn bonus rewards. |
ItemRfidTag |
The RFID code for this item. |
ItemSaleCustAccountKey |
For sold items (itStatus="S"), the primary customer's number. Can differ from itSaleCustKey if item sold to a linked customer record i.e. spouse. |
ItemSaleCustKey |
For sold items (itStatus="S"), the customer number of the purchaser. |
ItemSaleDate |
For sold items (itStatus="S"), the date the item was sold. |
ItemSaleKey |
For sold items (itStatus="S"), the sale number item was sold on. |
ItemSalePrice |
For sold items (itStatus="S"), the price the item was sold for excluding tax. |
ItemSaleTax |
For sold items (itStatus="S"), the amount of tax paid on this item. |
ItemSerialNumber |
The serial number for this item. |
ItemSignage |
The in-case sign template to use when this item is on sale. |
ItemSize |
The size of this item (typically ring). |
ItemSpecialOrderKey |
For special order items, the special order it is matched to. |
ItemSpecialPrice |
The sale price for this item. This overrides all other pricing fields during sale period. Sale period defined by itSpecialPriceDateStart and itSpecialPriceDateEnd. |
ItemSpecialPriceDateEnd |
The sale end date. |
ItemSpecialPriceDateStart |
The sale start date. |
ItemStatus |
The current status of this item.
ItemStockNo |
The sequential stock number for this item. The third component of itKey, i.e. the item number. |
ItemStoreId |
The store the item is in. The first component of itKey, i.e. the item number. |
ItemStyle |
The style of the item. |
ItemUOM |
For itPricingMethod="2" or "3" (bulk), the unit of measure for this item. |
ItemUpdateDateTime |
The date/time item record was last modified. |
ItemUpdateSeq |
This number is incremented by one each time the item is updated. |
ItemUpdateStation |
The workstation number that last updated this item. |
ItemUpdateStore |
The store number that last updated this item. |
ItemUpdateUser |
The associate number that last updated this item. |
ItemVenBarCode |
The vendor's barcode for this item. |
ItemVendorId |
The vendor's ID (internal abbreviation). |
ItemVendorInvoiceNo |
The invoice number item was received on. |
ItemVendStyleCode |
The vendor's style number. |
ItemWasPartOf |
For itInventoryType="P" (takeoff), the itKey of the item this was disassembled from. |
ItemWhenInventory |
The date/time the item was last scanned as part of physical inventory. |
ItemWhenPrevInventory |
The date/time the item was last scanned prior to the itWhenInventory date. |
ItemWho |
For assembly or built items, the original ID of the associate completing the work. |
ItemWhoInventory |
Corresponds with itWhenInventory, the associate number that scanned the item. |
ItemWhoPrevInventory |
Corresponds with itWhenPrevInventory, the associate number that scanned the item. |
ItemWhoRevised |
For assembly or built items, the revised ID of the associate completing the work. |
ItemXfer |
ItemYnAutoPrice |
Purpose | ? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sold | Sold flag? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
StoneCount |
The number of stone rows on this item. A stone row contains information about a type of stone and may represent more than one physical stone. There is one stone row per type. There is no corresponding data field or object in the database. |
VendorCount | The number of vendor records associated with this item. There is no corresponding data field or object in the database. |
Key | The key paired to this data set. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
StoneKey |
Internal key that references a stone row in the Stones table for this item. |
StoneSeq |
This stone's position starting at 00 for the first stone type(typically primary), then 01 for the second stone type, and so on. |
StoneItemKey |
References the item number ( |
StoneAssyKey |
For items that were assembled or built, this references the completed item number ( |
StoneAssySeq |
For items that were assembled or built, the stone's position on the completed item starting at 00 for the first stone type, then 01 for the second stone type, and so on. |
StoneType |
Abbreviation for the type of stone in this stone row. Chosen from predefined customizable pick list. Defaults include:
StoneShape |
Abbreviation for the shape of the stone in this stone row. Chosen from predefined customizable pick list. Defaults include:
StoneCount |
The number of stones of this type. |
StoneWeightMin |
The minimum possible weight for a stone in this row. If |
StoneLengthMin |
The minimum possible length for a stone in this row. If |
StoneWidthMin |
The minimum possible width for a stone in this row. If |
StoneDepthMin |
The minimum possible depth for a stone in this row. If |
StoneWeightMax |
The maximum possible weight for a stone in this row. |
StoneLengthMax |
The maximum possible length for a stone in this row. |
StoneWidthMax |
The maximum possible width for a stone in this row. |
StoneDepthMax |
The maximum possible depth for a stone in this row. |
StoneVariation |
StoneTableMm |
The table size for this stone in MM. |
StoneTablePct |
The table size for this stone as a percentage of diameter. |
StoneCrownMm |
The crown size for this stone in MM. |
StoneGirdleMin |
The smallest girdle measurement. Chosen from predefined pick list:
StoneGirdleMax |
The largest girdle measurement. Chosen from predefined customizable pick list. Defaults include:
StonePavillionMm |
The pavillion size for this stone in MM. |
StonePaviliionPct |
Percentage of diameter represented by the depth of the pavillion. |
StoneCulet |
Size of stone culet. |
StoneMajorSymmetry |
The stone's major symmetry rating. |
StoneMinorSymmetry |
The stone's minor symmetry rating. |
StoneFloorMm |
No longer used (legacy) |
StoneFloorPct |
No longer used (legacy) |
StoneClarity |
The stone's clarity. |
StoneHue |
The stone's hue. |
StoneSaturation |
The stone's saturation. |
StoneTone |
The stone's tone. |
StoneDir |
The direction of the stone. |
StonePattern |
The pattern of the stone. |
StoneFluor |
The degree of florescence in the stone. |
StonePolish |
The type of polish on the stone. |
StoneFinish |
The type of finish on this stone. |
StoneTexture |
The texture of this stone. |
StoneNacre |
For pearls, the nacre thickness. |
StoneUniformity |
The uniformity of the stone. |
StoneMake |
The cut of the stone. |
StoneCostPerCT |
The cost per carat for this stone. |
StoneLab |
The ID of the lab that certified the stone. |
StoneCert |
The certificate number associated with the stone. |
StoneTWT |
The total weight of this stone. |
StoneVendor |
The vendor for this stone. Corresponds to the Supplier field in The Edge. For value to be valid must match to a vendorId in the Vendor table. |
StoneInvoice |
The invoice number this stone was received on. |
StoneRcvd |
The date/time the stone was received. |
StoneCost |
The cost of the stone. |
StoneReplCost |
The replacement cost of the stone. |
StoneRetail |
The retail price of the stone. |
Stonevoid |
If populated stone was deleted. This is the date/time stone deleted. |
StoneUpdateSeq |
This number is incremented by one each time the stone row is updated. |
StoneUpdateDateTime |
The date/time stone record was last modified. |
StoneUpdateStore |
The store number that last updated this stone row. |
StoneUpdateStation |
The workstation number that last updated this stone row. |
StoneUpdateUser |
The associate number that last updated this stone row. |
StoneXfer |
StoneIdentification |
If the stone has an enhancement, the type of enhancement. |
StoneEnhancement |
If the stone has an enhancement, the nature of the enhancement. |
StoneLaserInscription |
The inscription on the stone. |
Key | The key paired to this data set. | ||||
VendorId |
The Edge abbreviation for this vendor. |
VendorType |
No longer used (legacy) |
VendorName |
The vendor's name. |
VendorAddr |
The vendor's street address. |
VendorAddr2 |
Additional street address information. |
VendorCity |
The vendor's city. |
VendorState |
The vendor's state. |
VendorZIP |
The vendor's ZIP code. |
VendorCountry |
The vendor's country. |
VendorPhone |
The vendor's phone number. |
VendorFax |
The vendor's fax number. |
VendorOurAcct |
The store's account number with this vendor. |
VendorSales |
The name of the vendor's salesperson. |
VendorSalesPhone |
The vendor's salesperson's phone number. |
VendorCreditMgr |
The name of the vendor's credit manager. |
VendorCreditMgrPhone |
The vendor's credit manager's phone number. |
VendorSpecialOrderName |
The name of the vendor's special order manager. |
VendorSpecialOrderPhone |
The vendor's special order manager's name. |
VendorNotes |
Notes for this vendor in RTF format. |
VendorHide |
VendorUpdateSeq |
This number is incremented by one each time the vendor record is incremented. |
VendorUpdateDateTime |
The date/time vendor record was last modified. |
VendorUpdateStoreId |
The store number where the vendor record was last updated. |
VendorUpdateUser |
The associate number for the person that last updated vendor record. |
VendorUpdateStation |
The workstation number where the vendor record was last updated. |
VendorXfer |
VendorQuickbooks |
No longer used (legacy) |
VendorEmail |
The vendor's email address. |
VendorSalesEmail |
The vendor's sales email. |
VendorSoEmail |
The vendor's special order email. |
VendorCreditEmail |
The vendor's credit email. |
VendorWWW |
The vendor's website address. |
VendorCommissionAdj |
Commission adjustment percentage for this vendor's sold items. VendorCommissionOvr defines if this adjustment compounds or overrides default commission. |
VendorCommissionOvr |
VendorHideWebPrice |
No longer used (legacy) |
VendorUID |
Internal vendor ID that links this vendor to an external catalog file for import. |
VendorIsMaxiturn | No longer used (legacy) | ||||
VendorIncludedInRewards |
VendorMyBrand |
VendorPOPhone |
The vendor's purchase order phone number. |
VendorPOFax |
The vendor's purchase order fax number. |
VendorReturnName |
The name to use in the vendor's return address. |
VendorReturnAddr |
The street address for the vendor's return address. |
VendorReturnAddr2 |
Additional street address information. |
VendorReturnCity |
The city for the vendor's return address. |
VendorReturnState |
The state for the vendor's return address. |
VendorReturnZip |
The ZIP for the vendor's return adress. |
VendorReturnCountry |
The country for the vendor's return address. |
Item Details
Key | The key paired to this data set. | ||||||||
DetailCategoryId |
The Edge category number this item is in. |
DetailIndex |
References the position this appears on the item detail fields 1 - 16 on the General tab of an item. A negative number denotes the detail group name, i.e. Ring Details. |
DetailName |
The name of the detail. |
DetailField |
The database field that store's this detail. |
DetailType |
Defines the type of detail:
DetailParms |
For "DetailType = List", this is the internal list it is linked to. If "=FALSE" user can choose from list or enter any string. If "=TRUE" user can only choose from linked picklist. |
DetailRequired |
DetailTooltip | Not Used | ||||||||
DetailListName |
For "DetailType = List", this is the internal list it is linked to. |
DetailDesc | No longer used (legacy) | ||||||||
DetailDescBefore | No longer used (legacy) | ||||||||
DetailDescAfter | No longer used (legacy) | ||||||||
DetailDescSort | No longer used (legacy) | ||||||||
DetailAppr | No longer used (legacy) | ||||||||
DetailApprBefore | No longer used (legacy) | ||||||||
DetailApprAfter | No longer used (legacy) | ||||||||
DetailApprSort | No longer used (legacy) |