Hotfix (11/21/24)

This update supersedes Hotfix

24.2 Feature Release Notes

Single Store Update | Multi-Store Update

The Edge

Minor Enhancements


New Report - Rankings Report

Found under Reports > Analytics > Customers > Rankings, this new report works in concert with the Customer Rankings feature and gives you a new option for targeting and exporting a specific group of Customers, now by their Edge Customer Ranking. For marketing purposes, this report provides you with the added ability of exporting your ranked Customers for for targeted email campaigns and customer mailings.

To further target your customers, this report can be broken down by Service Job, as well as be filtered by Associate using the full Find Customer filter on the criteria window so your associates can target their specific customers.


New Report - Special Orders Report

Found under Reports > Job > Special Orders, this new report provides you with the ability to quickly run a report exclusively for your Special Orders.

Customize your report results to exactly which Special Orders you wish to see with the available drop-down menus for Vendor, Associate, Status checkboxes, and more, then visit the Options tab to complete your selections with a series of convenient Group/Sort By options to optimize your ability for managing your Special Orders.

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Corrective Changes


Appraisal Expense Not Posting to the Correct Account

In some scenarios when running the G/L Report, Appraisal Debit entries were appearing as Income instead of appearing as an Expense.


Activating a Rewards Card and Using CC Tender Button Resulted in Error

A 'The value for column 'slOrigSaleKey' in table 'SaleLine' is DBNull.' error would result when trying to use the Credit Card Tender option at POS when activating a Rewards Card on the sale.


Disabled Card Types Showing at POS

In some scenarios, credit card types that were marked as Disabled were still appearing as options when the Offline option was selected at POS.


Dashboards - Bad Date Causing Error

If a bad date was entered in either Custom Date field when viewing Dashboards, an unresolvable 'The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.' would result and require the Dashboard to be deleted and recreated.


Service Transactions Report Incorrect Data Issue

When running the Service Transactions report, incorrectly labeled data would result if a transaction did not start and end within the period of a specific date range selected for the generated report.


On Account Report Activity Range Issue

In some scenarios, picked up transactions were being included on generated On Account reports when the Pick Up date fell outside of the report's selected date range.


Sold Item Report Showing Wrong Price

If a sale item's price was changed at POS, meaning sold for any price other than the sale price, the Sold Item report would still incorrectly show the On Sale price as the sold price on the report. The actual price the item was sold for would not be shown.


Item Details Export Missing Metal Weight Field

The Metal Weight field was being excluded when importing or exporting using the Item Details Wizard.


Clientele Export Error

In some circumstances when exporting Clientele using Clientele > Export > Other, selecting specific Customer criteria from the Merchandise tab would result in an 'Invalid column name 'lastPurch'' error when trying to generate the list.


Sales Analysis by Retail Report - >540 Days Column Not Populating Correctly

In some circumstances, data values that should have appeared in the >540 Days column were missing while other data would display normally in the column.


Customer Find Search Error

When searching a customer using the First Name field with specific preferred contact methods selected, an 'Invalid column name 'sCuNickName' when searching customers' would occur.


Error Entering First Associate

When entering the first associate into a new user database an 'InvalidArgument=Value of '0' is not valid for 'index'.' would occur.


Unable to Modify Stones Using Save & Duplicate

When adding a new item with Stones records through Save & Duplicate, it was not allowing the modification of the new duplicated Stone records.


Sold Inventory w/ Returns Report Listing Joined Special Orders Twice

In certain scenarios when running a Sold Inventory report, if you had Joined Special Orders together and Sold them they would be duplicated on the report if you had Special Order stock type selected.


Editing Joined Location Required Permission to Create New Join

When editing a Joined Item to move it to a new location, it was incorrectly requiring the 'Join Items Together to Create a New One' permission to complete the action.


Joined Special Orders Being Duplicated on Commission Report

In certain scenarios, Special Order SKUs were being duplicated on the Commission Report after Special Orders were Joined through POS.


Sales Tax Report Not Displaying Certain Manual Sales Tax

As a result of using the Manual Sales tax feature, in some situations the Sales Tax report was not displaying some manually overridden sales taxes on the report. A 'Break Out Manual Tax' checkbox was added allowing you to either run the report to get totals "clumped" together, or allow you to "break out" the manual taxes.


Customer Referred By on Other Keys Only Displaying Customer Number

When selecting a 'Referred By' value, after saving and reloading, the Customer Name would no longer appear. Only the referring Customer's ID would display.


Unable to use Brightness Option When Adjusting Camera Settings

For certain devices, the Brightness option was no longer available for use when adjusting the camera settings. PLEASE NOTE: We CANNOT guarantee this as a fix for all devices. This is a Windows related issue, NOT an Edge issue, as this option is controlled by Windows and device drivers.


Appraisal Templates Showing Incorrect Appraisal Value Title

The Appraisal Template was not honoring what was entered under the System Option 'Appraisal Value Title' and instead would display the title as 'Total Value'.


Item Add - Vendor Style Pop-Up Issue

When adding a new item and using either Save & Duplicate or Copy Details, the Vendor Style pop-up would incorrectly pop each time for either action.


Repairs with 0 Retail Not Showing Cost on Commission Report

If a Repair did not have a retail price, then the cost of the service would not display on the Commission report.


Occasions Report Not Separating Contact Info When Exported

When exported, the Occasions report was keeping Name, Address, and Email data in the same field instead of separating.


Multiple Weblinks Added to Items When Uploaded to Shopify

When a product was reuploaded to Shopify, it was adding in the new URL which was causing links in the Weblinks field.


SPO / Parts Report Error When Memorized or Automated

If you tried memorize the SPO/Parts report and set it to run without user interface, a 'Please select at least one status' error would display which would prevent the report from generating.


Error When Adding a Repair SKU with Apostrophe

When attempting to add a Repair SKU with an apostrophe, a vague 'Incorrect syntax near 's'.' would display. This message has been updated to provide more information and now says 'An apostrophe should not be allowed in the SKU and Alias For SKU fields.'


Showing Returns Report Displaying Duplicates for Joined Layaway Items

Joined Items which included layaway pickups were being duplicated on the Showing Returns report.


Memorizing Pricing Report Error

Memorizing the Pricing report would give 'System.Exception: Report's form name may have changed and caused this report to become unsynced' error message preventing the report from generating.


Rapid Reorder Report Not Including Style Note for Sold Items

If you sold an item with a Style Note and then went to reorder the item using the Rapid Reorder Form, the Style Note was being omitted from the 'Queue Items for Order' list.


Pricing Report Error When Running Without Pricing Checked

The Pricing report Program Defaults resulted in none of the Pricing Options being checked which would prevent the report from generating when memorized.


Rareworks Scanning and Printing Issue

Rareworks RFID customers were unable to use the scanning and printing feature after upgrading to version 24.2.

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Abbott Jewelry Systems, Inc.

Makers of The Edge®

3 Corporate Drive #215

Shelton, CT 06484
